Right the first time—every time
We at Bantrel strive to provide confidence and demonstrate our ability to consistently deliver products and services that meet and exceed Client requirements. Our quality management system (QMS) is integrated with the environmental management system (EMS) and the health & safety management system (HSMS), encompassing Project Management, Engineering (Design and Development), Supply Chain Management, Construction Management, and Construction activities processes.
ISO 9001:2015
Our Quality Management System is currently certified to Quality Management Standard ISO 9001:2015.
CertificateQuality Certifications
The Bantrel Quality Management Program has been continuously certified to ISO 9001 since 1993. Recently, Bantrel integrated Environmental and Health & Safety management systems with its quality management system, and, in 2021, obtained certifications for all three ISO standards.
In 2021, Bantrel also received its nuclear certificate of authorization from the Technical Standards and Safety Authority (TSSA), to perform work in the nuclear refurbishment program.
Bantrel rework is one of the lowest in the industry.
Bantrel projects have become synonymous with high-quality execution. The robustness of our quality is derived from our Integrated EPC culture: one quality system—five processes. Our processes seamlessly integrate through automation tools that manage support and delivery directly from the engineering model to the field, whether the procurement and construction are self-performed, or Client-managed.
The main focus is on eliminating nonconformities during design and procurement, and minimizing their impact on field construction.

Internal Audit Program
Bantrel implements a comprehensive internal audit program, with auditors certified as per ISO 19011 in auditing integrated management systems.
Our internal audit program consists of integrated audits as per three ISO management systems requirements (health & safety, quality, and environment) on all our processes.

People-Based Quality
Our Bantrel People-Based Quality (PBQ) program focuses on recognizing and supporting human behaviours that result in "right the first time—every time" implementation; We call them "Quality Absolutes". Implementing our quality absolutes improves our performance and drives our culture around quality.